English 5508 - Teaching Composition
The final exam in this course was as follows: We were to read an essay (from a freshman student) and write comments regarding how the student faired. At the end, we were to give the student a number grade.
Jason Hudson
Dr. T--
English 5505
9 December 2002
Rugby Grade Justification
The most obvious and continuous error the student made on his paper was in spelling. Most of the points deducted from his grade reflect this problem. Overall, I felt that he has a good handle on writing for a 101 student. However, he does need to work on paragraph structure and flow. At the end of each paragraph, I had no idea where he was going next. This error might be easily corrected by showing him ways to connect the last sentence in each paragraph to the subject of the next. In paragraph five, I wasn't sure if the Cape Fear league and Eastern Union were the same thing. This may be an issue of needing a paragraph break between those two sentences. In his conclusion, he brought in subject material from the introduction (i.e., beer) and expounded on its significance. This wrapped up his message well, and gave the reader something to think about. This element demonstrated the student's potential as a writing student.
My endnote reads as follows: "Quite and interesting sport! Watch spelling errors. Otherwise, you write a decent paper." I gave him an 85 or a B.