The American Scholar

English 5508 - Teaching Composition

Letter of Introduction

After re-reading this assignment, I must admit it sounds a bit pompous and, well... phony. I think I was trying too hard.
Dr. T--:

The primary purpose of this letter is to introduce myself to you. I also wish to take the opportunity to share my thoughts regarding my personal interest in the field of education. In doing so, you will likely find that my formal training in the theory, philosophy, and science of teaching is minimal. I look forward to the gradual improvement of these areas during the course of the semester, and anticipate much advancement in light of the required course work and your instruction.

As far as long-term goals are concerned, I have a desire to teach Literature in the university setting. I don't know exactly what field I would best be suited to teach, but I enjoy studying the American classics most of all. I have read much Eastern writing, European classics, and have a well-rounded background of the canonical works of antiquity. I regret that my background in Greek Mythology is rather scarce, something I plan to remedy. I feel that this course in teaching writing will help me to get used to the teaching platform, and will hopefully show me affective ways to improve the minds of the students under my charge.

Once I graduate from WTAMU, I hope to go on to Texas Tech and work on my doctoral program. I want to commute from Amarillo to Lubbock, so my family can continue to live in Wolflin Park, and my children can go through the same schools they began in. Perhaps I could teach at Amarillo College on the English faculty, where my own love for English literature first took shape.

I have not studied theory in the field of teaching, but I believe that writing courses should be required for any academic degree plan. The ability to write is a basic form of communication, and should not be considered an insignificant aspect of one's liberal education. In today's world, writing is a primary function for communicating ideas. Whether one is writing in a science journal, or documenting ones progress in fitness training, he should have a fundamental grasp of the basics in communicating with words. Areas such as creative writing and exposition are more focused, and would best serve as course curriculum for the humanities.

There are three people that I consider major influences in my life. Dr. Dodson, my sophomore English professor at Amarillo College introduced me to the joys of literature when I was a music major. Dr. Kelly, Philosophy Professor at WTAMU broadened my intellectual horizons, and helped me to see that this world is much bigger than I thought it was. Dr. Evans, my pastor, has taught me over the years that one can have a vibrant spiritual life without checking your brain at the door.

I look forward to this semester. I have already enjoyed what I've read in the course texts.