The American Scholar

English 5522 - Literary Theory and Criticism

Dialogue Among Three Friends

[A young scholar under a tree, reading a book. Socrates approaches.]

Socrates: I see you've been reading Plato's account of my conversations between Adeimantus and Glauon. Did you understand everything we discussed?
Jason: I understood your position, yes.
Socrates: And did you agree with our conclusions regarding what nature of cultural studies we will allow in our community?
Jason: I agreed with most of your logic, yes. However, I am still trying to understand your hesitation to allow representations of reality into the art of the people.
Socrates: Isn't it clear to you that a representation of a thing is not the same as the truth of a thing?
Jason: I understand that point clearly. How do you conclude that this will be detrimental to society?
Socrates: My point is that the further you get from the truth, the further you are away from that which is good. Truth is goodness. Did you follow my allegory of the cave?
Jason: Indeed. I've always enjoyed that one. I keep thinking, however, that one of these days somebody is going to ask you why, by staring into the sun, doesn't the man go blind.
Socrates: Great question. Don't let Plato hear you ask that. It might confuse him. Let's come back to the "Good." I want to create a community that is as near to pure goodness as possible.
Jason: Okay, so you want to get rid of artisans and poets, because they only portray an imitation of an imitation of truth.
Socrates: Precisely.
Jason: And if the people aren't in close proximity to the ideal Form of a thing, they are that much further to the "Good." And this is bad.
Socrates: Well, you get the idea, but your delivery is a little sloppy.

[Another passerby approaches on a dirt road to the left.]

Descartes: Pardon me. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Are you interested in an outside position?
Socrates: It depends. Do you advocate the establishment of an ideal community, Mr...?
Descartes: Descartes. Sure. But I doubt it could ever become a reality.
Jason: You would.
Socrates: What can you add to our previous discussion that might shed light?
Descartes: Well, you were being critical of artisans and poets. I wonder if you've ever considered yourself an artisan of sorts.
Socrates: How do you mean?
Descartes: For the sake of discussion, what is your definition of an artisan?
Socrates: The definition relevant to our discussion would be anyone who creates a false representation of reality.
Descartes: Okay. I have to ask, are your sense organs consistently reliable in leading you to that which is true?
Socrates: Not always, no.
Descartes: So, you would agree that part of the human condition is that we do the best we can with the perceptions we have.
Socrates: I guess you could say that.
Jason: That was the point I was leading to before you arrived, Descartes. To me, we are all artisans in a way. The only thing that makes me different from Pablo Picasso is that I don't publish my perceptions.
Socrates: So do you think that living in the dark is healthy?
Descartes: I think that part of the ability to reason depends on exercising that ability. If we were not placed in situations to ask questions and ponder about reality, then that function would be useless. Besides that, we would be out of a job.
Socrates: But how does one improve if they are constantly in the dark?
Jason: For me, stepping into the light is part of what makes life worth living. This is a gradual process.
Descartes: Right, you are. Take for example my experience last night. I was walking down this very road. The sun was setting and mist covered the surface of the ground. I saw a figure ahead of me so I called out. There was no response. As I drew nearer I noticed the figure wasn't moving at all. It wasn't until I came within three feet of the mysterious figure when I realized I had been talking to a stone pillar. This life is about living and learning. I don't think it is healthy to rob people of that experience.
Socrates: I see what you mean and I agree.
Jason: Are you guys hungry? It's time for lunch.
Descartes: That reminds me. Do you have four apples? I'd like to show you how I've come to doubt our system of mathematics.