The American Scholar

English 5522 - American Transcendentalism

The objective of this course was to review, examine, and question classical and traditional, modern and contemporary literary theory. We were to read a sampling of literary theory (usually two critics per week) and write an exploratory and critical response to the ideas presented. Then we were to post these explorations on the web in order to initiate and participate in thoughtful intellectual discussion and questioning of the ideas presented. (Adapted from syllabus.)

  1. Introduction to Criticism
  2. Dialogue Exploration
  3. Aristotle Exploration
  4. Horace Exploration
  5. Plotinus Exploration
  6. Vinsauf Exploration
  7. de Pizan Exploration
  8. Giraldi Exploration
  9. Syndey Exploration
  10. Kant Exploration
  11. Hegel Exploration
  12. Baudelaire Exploration
  13. Wilde Exploration
  14. Sartre Exploration
  15. Iser Exploration
  16. Bloom Exploration
  17. Gilbert and Gubar Exploration
  18. Cixous Exploration
  19. Tompkins Exploration
  20. Foucault Exploration
  21. Barthes Exploration
  22. Hughes Exploration
  23. Hurston Exploration
  24. Extended Inquiry

  1. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, First Edition